

Saturday was so much fun. It started by Blair picking me up and we went to Jamie's even though we knew she was still asleep, but as I know, when you sleep till 2, sometimes you're woken up in ways that would really suck. So that led to PLAYING WITH THE MACBOOK.

After that we went to McDonalds, got fat foods, and then we picked up Kim. Went drove arounddd, went to Wal-Mart, blahblah. Then we went to Seaside. Seaside is so much fun when it's empty. I tried to play techno motion and I def lost on the first song. We took mirror pictures in those insane mirrors.


myspace picture picture.




j.c.<3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi0evKfp8oFXgHFJMZt1qCPV0pR90Ky3EzkDIfRqJg4lgLMu63bN6hZqrNyGMabGXTEzWrgdmWMTwiX9KExTTGTPSSVLP2G7HFz4wDXCMM6l5L8QOM3_ZbK7PkdmI8ouUOgOgoeaRo9KQ4/s400/DSC02946.JPG" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5043798575334972466" border="0">Pretending to be getting drunk.

chubby mirror<3

Yo. God.

Then after we were through with Seaside Jamie and I came back to my house for a bit, then Chris came and got us and we went over to Amanda's birthday party. I miss being really good friends with that girl. Like, what she was saying last night was so funny. And she ran up to me yelling about how we used to be best friends. It kind of made me feel bad. Everyone was drunk or high or something except me and I enjoyed that so much. I just played Guitar Hero and laughed at Tyrone who kept saying "Shellie, don't let me fall asleep! DON'T LET ME" because as we all know, Tyrone always falls asleep early. I really thought he was going to punch Anthony Dischler for being so obnoxious at him.


Dear Cancer,
I have a hard time being happy with anything knowing you're destroying someone I love. So please, man the heck up and go back to wherever you came from.

I'm surprised Tom is taking this as well as he is. I don't want to go to Connecticut. Well, I do but.. I don't want to see everyone upset. I don't like upset. I don't like sad. I don't like anything like that and that's why I avoid it so much. Yesterday when I heard "we're going to Connecticut and... he has about at least $1,000 worth of photography things to give you.." I seriously almost broke down and cried on the phone. Even though that's really cool, I don't even care, I just want him to stay alive.

As I was typing this my brother walked in and started talking to me about everything.

"your mind is filled with new ideas."
oh fortune cookies. I wanna know.